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1. Modeling of hydrodynamic pressure in a combined geometry pressure unit for wire drawing Hani Awidan, Mohamed.A Nwir, Mahmud Abid, Mohamed Zabti
2. Failure Investigation of Rotating Table of Main Substructure Frame Khaled I. Azzabi1, Ahmed M. Algadal, Mohamed S. Ahmed, Tarek Ben Mahmud
3. The Effect of Heat Treatment on The Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 410 Salem Sultan, Adel Shabu, Ibrahim Garash
4. Laminar-Turbulent Transition Detection in a Transonic Shock Tube Atef Al Shabu
5. Characterization of Post-Pyrolysis Tyre Char as a Pegment in Aqueos Ink-Jet Printing Inks: Using Different Analytical and Spectroscopiy Techniques Tareg.O. Mansour,And Khalfa Elkinjari
6. The Relationship between Received Signal Strength and velocity in 4G Heterogeneous network Allaeddin.Ghaydi, Samia.A. almirri , and Hanan.S. Elhaji
7. Investigation of XML Data Security Abdelsalam Almarimi, Adel Elashheb, Faraj Abdulaziz, Ezzedin Enbiah
8. A Technical Reflection towards Understanding the Future of Data Storage Appliances: How to Store and Retrieve Data without Storage Appliance?! M.Adel Agina, Salah M. Talha, Saad M. Alhossin, Aseel I. Ageena
9. Physical and Chemical Properties of Ground-Water in Sayad with Respect to Drinking and Agriculture Purposes Nuha Ali Khalaefa and Abdulhakim Ali Jangher
10. Proper Thermography Inspection of Control Panels to Assure Reliable Operation M. Ali M. Eshtaba, Ahmed M. Algadal, Mohamed S. Ahmed, Abdulmunam AlafshoukFaculty of Engineering Technology, Janzour, Libya
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